Monday, January 21, 2019

Free time? Yeah, say good bye to free time.

So things have gotten kind of crazy at our house. Besides work, school, and sports, we added a puppy to the mix last week.

Meet Bear.
We were going to meet her as a family on Saturday at her shelter in South Bend, but with a storm coming in I went Thursday night by myself. Four hours round trip after work, including eating gas station breadsticks in the car, to meet her and bring her home. Worth it.
out for a 'get to know each other' walk at the shelter.
Of course, 6 inches of snow made her first weekend in the house an interesting one but things are going well.
This will probably put a snag in my project time for now, but I'm already looking forward to having a shop dog in the future. Again, I just have to find the time.
Some day soon, I will turn the girl's old dresser into a desk for her, but who knows when. Actually, I know when. It better be before she starts kindergarten in the fall. Until then, I might not have much time for DIY'ing.