Thursday, July 21, 2016

At least they fit; frames part II

So with the frames together I had to figure out how best to keep the canvases where I want them. In theory I could screw through the back of the frame and into the canvas but that sounds like it would take more precision than I’m really comfortable with. I’m looking for more of a glue or 3M solution.
That's not a bad corner close up.
As it so happens, I randomly had 3M stickers just laying around. Where did they come from? What abandoned project was never completed with them? Who knows. But they seem like an ideal alternative to drilling actual holes in something I painted. They lasted through the first night so fingers crossed.
It's not all completely straight but they're not terrible.
I realize these aren’t mindblowing but until I get around to painting something else I think they look pretty good. And since I doubt the wife will be okay with me putting a Battle of the Bastards painting up in the living room they’ll probably stay up a long time. With the frames on now they look like they’re up for it.

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