Thursday, August 11, 2016


Sorry about the yelling but it’s kind of warranted. 

I was googling our address to try to find a good picture of the front of the house to look at how the house numbers are set up right now (writing that down just struck me as very strange; I can find literally anything as long as I’m comfortable sharing it with google). I found something even better.

A bunch of the recent listing photos came up, but so did a picture that matches the color scheme you see if you get the google earth view of the address. It’s probably from when the previous owner bought from whomever he bought from. Well of course I’m going to click on that.
Yup, that's our basement two owners removed.
Wow. Just, wow. I like those chairs though.

I know I've mentioned how I kind of wondered what the previous owner was thinking with some of his design choices, but seeing the rest of the house I actually have to give him some credit. There were some pretty awful colors and tile in those photos. Without shots of the rest of the house it doesn't make sense to put the others up too, but that basement one just takes the cake. That’s a pretty big progression, from that, to what we moved into, to what it is now. Just crazy.
As a reminder, here it is after we moved in...
And here it is now.

The seller’s realtor tried to describe the house as it was when her client first bought it but I don’t think she quite did it justice. Jeez. FYI, I can’t believe it’s been nearly a year since we sold and started looking. I see potential even under these old photos, but I’m not sure if that’s how much I like the house now biasing me or not.

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