Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Media stand part 3: foundation

With the shelves relatively together it's time to build the bottom framing. This is where things got expensive. So far I'd been working with standard quality 1x10's from Menards and trying to make them look as nice as possible with planing and sanding. For the bottom I skipped that step and picked up 4x$10 8-foot 2x2 from HD.

I think it cost me less than that to build everything else so far, but it was probably worth the extra expense. Framing up the bottom was the part of the process I was least worried about. Accurate measurements and cuts on square wood should come together pretty simply.

And that was pretty much the case. It's always a good feeling when a part of a project goes as planned, even though it's kind of embarrassing how infrequently that seems to be the case these days...

This was by far the quickest part of the process so far. I'm thinking I could probably fill in the butt joints before I prime and paint so hopefully I can find the time. That seems to be at a premium these days.

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