Sunday, August 6, 2017

Media stand part 9: I thought about stretching it for 10

But then thought better of it.

With the little things I mentioned last post taken care of, it was time to get the old stand ready for retirement. Got all the important stuff out and set up on the top so it's still working but ready to move, emptied out the old drawers and OH GOOD LORD look at that mess! And that's why I like how the new one is set up better.

I was kind of disappointed I couldn't use any of this stuff building a new stand, but I'm at least keeping the drawer slides just b/c. I've also got an idea to recycle at least parts of the MDF, so we'll see what happens.

With the drawers out the new stand actually isn't impossibly heavy but still had to stay in the garage until I had some help. The boy wanted to help too, bless his heart, which usually slows things down more than anything. But it's up now, and I'm liking the set up.
So much cleaner.
Taking the old stand apart I realized building in a spot for a power strip would have been a good idea during this build. Maybe even putting an outlet on that middle shelf, but by that point it was too late. Fortunately the open middle section ended up perfect to put the power strip in, along with the modem and all the slack from the power cables for everything. Then on top all we have is our cable box, bluray, and router.
Plenty of room to hide the mess.
I'm a little unhappy with how the drawer fronts ended up lining up, but it's not a big enough negative for me to want to tear them apart and start over. Overall this was a fun build. I'm a bit surprised I got 9 posts out of it, (and will probably do a 10th pic post) but I guess I shouldn't be based on how quickly these bigger projects seem to spiral nearly out of control while they're coming together. I'm sure eventually I'll look at something and realize how I could have done better doing it differently, but for now it's a big improvement on the console table and looks like it will serve its purpose well.

Hopefully the kids can keep their sticky mitts off of it for a while to keep it clean. As long as I don't see fruit snacks stuck to it or milk spilled on one of the shelves I'll be happy. Now if you'll excuse me, I have quite a mess in the shop to clean up.

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