Monday, April 18, 2016

Welcome welcome

Ah, the changes life brings us.

My name is Jeremy. I'm a married father of two with a new house in the 'burbs. We've just moved from Chicago, where I was mostly happy riding a bike to work and enjoying the little things in life like having a go-to liquor store and walkable trips to daycare. But when a homeless man grabs your stroller and threatens to throw your 15-month old into traffic, or you just realize your little yard is too small for two rambunctious toddlers who both need their own room, the suburbs start to look awfully appealing.

So fast forward 15 months since my last post, and things are quite different. New job, new house, no dog (RIP Payton); eventually I might discuss the nightmares of moving into your in-laws house for 7 weeks after you close on a condo sale without finding a house, or how to move into a new house a week before Christmas and not lose your sanity. But mostly I'm thinking I'll be documenting whatever DIY or house-care project I've been working on, which is good b/c since moving I've already had a few projects come together that I can start with.

Where did all this energy come from? Beats the hell out of me. It's not like I have a lack of things to focus on. Any energy I saved by not bike commuting pretty much gets instantly spent on getting the kids ready in the morning and home at night. But I mostly find myself working on things in my very little spare time to A) save money, and B) see if I can. And so far it's worked out okay. So far I've put together:
  • a patio table with planters rigged up as cooler in the middle
  • a matching bench, or at least a bench painted to match
  • a console table for behind the couch in the living room
  • a covered sandbox that folds open to benches for the boy's fourth(!) birthday
  • the first of two lounge chairs for somewhere in the yard
Eventually, I'll post about all of these as well as go over what else I have planned and anything else that comes up as we get used to the new house. Plenty of chances to gripe about contractors or anything else that comes up. For now, I'll stick with welcoming myself back to sporadically blogging and trying to come up with a new close that I like as much as I liked the beer-scale.  

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