Thursday, November 2, 2017

Twin beds part II; getting things together

Wow, that was easy. I can't believe something like a screen door ended up taking nearly a month to get together but I can have two twin beds together in basically a couple of days. Well, at least they're ready to paint at this point.
With the head and foot boards done, all I had to do next was trim the 1x4's to size for runners, and pick up two more 2x4s to split and attach so I had something to put slats on once they're cut. Like I said, easy.

I glued the split 2x4s on and let them sit overnight before adding some 2" wood screws. I clamped a scrap of the trimmed 2x4 on each end to make sure they were centered and would fit into the joints I had cut out.
I've only cut slats for one frame, I was more itching to get things together.
With those done, I clamped both beds together as a dry fit, and screwed the runners in once I confirmed I had things how I wanted them. Two twin beds took up more space than I was expecting, but it's still workable.
I wanted to prime them both before I put the colors on but like an idiot, I didn't put a drop cloth down before they were together. Getting one down was a bit of a challenge and the extra time it took meant I had to stop after priming instead of getting the furniture paint out. Ooops.

So now we've come to the part of every project where things grind to a halt as I have to finish each bed to the exacting standards of my children. There's going to have to be some disassembly and labeling too, to make it easier to get everything back together at the in-laws' house when they're done. That might make for an interesting next post.

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