Thursday, August 9, 2018

We've got pumpkins?

I haven't posted any gardening updates this summer, in part b/c we haven't had much success. Our pumpkin vines kind of took over the entirety of the garden box, to the point of the carrots didn't get enough sun, only two cucumbers made it to the trellis, and even the tomatoes and peppers seemed to struggle in their racks. But it might all be worth it based on what I noticed out grilling last night and checked out this morning...
Everything is out of control in our yard this summer. 
 Yup, I believe that's a pumpkin.
That should be one too.
Woo hoo!
The wife is taking credit for that one at the top, having tried to hand pollinate that vine herself. I didn't really track who was pollinating what, and at this point I don't really care. But there were a bunch of bees out when I took these this morning, so they probably get some of the credit. I'm just hoping these last the next few months and I can make a pie out of them. I think we planted sugar pumpkins, fingers crossed.

This might make more work for me next summer; it's clear that pumpkins are a little much for our single gardening box. There were even some more cucumbers out that we had missed, under all the pumpkin leaves.

Gives "hide the cucumber" a whole new meaning. 
It might be time to make more boxes and space them out a little bit. Good, I'll add it to my list for next year.

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