Thursday, April 20, 2017

Here's the re-finished Poang

Speaking of finishing what you start, the poang is back in the basement looking sharp. Of course I couldn't get this project done without one more mistake; adding a lacquer coat after the poly left some pretty rough patches, leading to more sanding and re-applications of poly. But that was minor considering what this chair looked like at the start of this idea.
Now I can start putting things back together.
Color testing with the cushion back on; not terrible.

The chair was a lot easier to work with once it was broken down a little more. I could put it on the bench to wipe the poly on at least, which saved my back some trouble. The ottoman got one less coat, since it doesn't get handled as much and at this point I was pretty much done and just wanted it back in the basement. And hey, cheers to me for not losing any hardware while I worked on these so everything could go back together.
Yeah, that's actually halfway decent.

Even with all the mistakes, I think this was a project worth doing. Looks aren't the highest attribute on my list of what furniture needs to accomplish, but the chair is much more visually appealing now that the ottoman matches. And it's still comfortable as hell when I want to sit somewhere the kids can't come jump on me.  

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