Monday, June 26, 2017

More project time?

Well that was a rough weekend. Found out Saturday, via a call from my Dean, who knows I'm not checking work email over the weekend, that the college is announcing a massive reorganization this week, with 50% of the administrative staff getting let go. Yours truly included. Oh boy.

I'm freaking out a little about this, but for now all I can do is keep doing what I'm doing, just add in some cover letter writing time somewhere in there. And in the meantime, I'm starting to look for positives about getting some forced downtime coming my way. Even if it comes at the cost of my workshop budget. Oh boy.

I've been through this enough that I know the steps by now, and I'm going through the first of them already. That doesn't mean I'm thrilled to suddenly be job searching again, especially with kids and a mortgage and waiting to hear about an EED acceptance, but there's not much I can do about it. I tried being pissed off, but there wasn't really anywhere to point it. The state hasn't had a budget for two years, the college is in the red, and this sounds like the only way to keep it open for students in the fall. How it's going to look like a college with half the staff gone I don't know, but it's not really my concern either. I have some cover letters to write.

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