Tuesday, August 15, 2017

DIY painters canvas

As much as it pained me to change the media stand plans and not use the expensive 2x2's I bought specifically for the base, clearly I was going to hang onto them and use them for something else. Turns out I used them for TWO something-elses.

First, looking at the pieces standing up on their own, they seemed like a good size to make a canvas out of. I haven't had much painting time lately, but I do have a canvas drop cloth I've been holding onto for just this project. And a tall, thin canvas would fit perfectly where Vader currently is.

I started by cutting one of the longer sides at the 75% mark, and then set up a jig to make sure I trimmed the other piece at the same spot.

Then it was as simple as kregging the corners together, and viola, frame. I should maybe put a brace in the middle, or at least in each of the corners, but these are thick enough that if I get it square to begin with I think it will stay that way. It seems to be holding up so far at least.

Turns out it was just about the perfect size for the actual canvas, and I only had to cut along one edge to get it sized to fit over the frame. I did have to wash it though since the creases were pretty severe.
Eh, still not great but better
A few clamps and starting staples on one corner and things were ready to get stretched. This was exactly as difficult as I expected, since my obsessive/compulsiveness kicked in and wouldn't let me stop before I had stretched this entire things as taught as possible, but wasn't all-together impossible.

Not perfect, but tight and flat enough to paint on I think. Like I said, I've been preparing for this project for some time. So I've had some gesso just waiting to put to canvas. Of course, I had no idea how much was too much, or if I hadn't put enough on.
I swear, that's a different pic than the one up there.
At least, I think. Anyway, I left it to dry on my make shift easel until I find time to paint it.
It's about 18x42, really weird dimensions
In fact, it was so easy after this one was done I cut two scrap 2x3's to make a second similarly shaped rectangle canvas.
Cutting those in half still gave me an inch of material to work with, so I could still kreg the frame together. This one wasn't quite as clean on the corners, since there was a lot to cut off but I still kept things pretty tight.

This one's about 16x32
I loved this project for two reasons: I hated to see those 2x2s not get used, and I've been waiting to try putting my own canvas together for some time. Now I have two custom blank canvases ready to go and probably more in the future. I might not have saved any money technically on the first one since I was using expensive wood for the frame, but using actual scrap on the second probably put me back in the black. I can see this going much cheaper for future canvases. Of course, now that my summer hours are over and my workweek is back to 5 days I'm not sure when exactly I'll have a chance to paint but whatever, baby steps. Right now I have three ideas for two canvases, but probably only one that would get the wife's approval. Good to know how easy this is to put together. 

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