Friday, June 1, 2018

Patio table 2.0

Here it is in all its glory. Just in time for Memorial Day!
Just imagine it later in the day with plates and garbage all over it.
Honestly, we probably could have gotten another summer out of the old table. It was hard enough to tear down and get rid of that it absolutely had enough left in the tank to survive a little longer. But the more I thought about living with the warping joints, and useless covered up planter troughs the table just had to go. It's in a better place now, and despite the stress of a new job and school, we have a much nicer table I'm very happy with right now.

What I'm not happy about is our current weather; We might have gotten lucky over Memorial Day but as soon as it was time to finish the top and get it together things turned to shit. It spent the past few days covered with half the umbrella stand in:
So sad.
Despite the shitty weather I love how it came out. I hope the finish holds up and lasts a long time. It's a little more aesthetically pleasing and definitely a little lighter so we'll see how the summer rain and fall winds treat it. Fingers crossed.

The good news is I already have a few more projects lined up. I wanted to redo the couch table, but the wife wants a cabinet for the garbage cans so that takes priority. And that's an outdoor pizza oven hiding under the table in that first shot; that's just dying for a little brick-top table to put it on. Either way, once I find more time I'm happy to have the rest of my summer projects lined up.

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