Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Quick pizza grill table

I'm in Anaheim for a conference this week, but I wanted to get some pics up from a quick build I got done before I left. It actually all came together Monday morning, when I should have been packing for this trip but this was way more fun.

The wife and kids got me an early Father's Day present this year  (they let me buy it when I saw it on sale): a cuisinart outdoor pizza oven! How awesome to be able to cook pizzas this summer w/o turning the whole house into an oven.
Gave it a quick test when it got here on a cool May Sunday and it was pretty great; got up to over 500 degrees in less than 10 minutes, toasted two pies up real nice. Unfortunately, that was about all it had in it using the extra 1 lbs tank I had around for the weber. So started looking at accessories; a stand, an adaptor for a larger tank. All together we're talking about another $100; not a deal breaker but a good chunk of change.
Yeah, I think this will work with the right set up.
While I saved up to get them so I wouldn't feel guilty just buying them right away, it dawned on me I could build a solid stand for cheaper that would probably be a better fit for the space, and look like it belonged on our deck. So that's just what I did.

I had a specific corner in mind for where this was going, so I measured up what I had in mind. I wanted to use the cedar toned 2x4's I built the table legs from, and a tile top to make it more heat resistant. Thankfully I found these wood grain ceramic tile on sale:

With a clear idea of what I was looking for, once I had the 2x4's I got going. Of course, my math was a bit off. I probably should have bought 3 2x4's instead of just two, but I managed to find some good scrap pieces to fit everything together. A few minutes cutting and drilling and viola, one frame.
This was may more important than packing. 
I topped it off with some MDF to set the tile on, and got everything together. I thought about grouting, and then I thought "fuck that." So I took it out to the deck to put a poly coat on and we were done. God I can't wait to get home and cook some pizzas on it!
Behold the power of good planning; this idea was much more formed in my head than I usually start with, and due to that it seemed like it came together very quickly. I still had time to pack, and now I'm just patiently waiting to come home and pick up my accessories. Good times.

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