Monday, June 25, 2018

"I have no idea what I'm doing...

But I know I'm doing it really well."

It's good to be confident I guess.

The in-laws have been getting ready to move, and came across an old R2D2 lamp they had painted in a ceramics class. Super cool stuff, and it still worked! So I needed to find an appropriate lampshade, but for whatever reason could not find one. Either I didn't like what was local, and didn't feel like shelling out for an etsy design. Have I stumbled across something not Star Wars mass-produced? Seems like.
Back in the pre-internet days you had to do things from memory. 
If you can't find what you're looking for, go out and make it yourself. So mod podge in hand, I picked up a lampshade and printed out some old comic covers. Viola, one Star Wars lampshade.

I'm a huge nerd. I love Star Wars, I love comics. Yet strangely enough, only had one Star Wars comic as a kid. I knew I had to have that cover on the lamp, but didn't have it with me and didn't remember which issue it was. Thank god for the internet. A quick image search for "han solo" "stormtrooper" "space" and viola, issue 98.

With a bunch more images I was ready to roll. Cut some out, started haphazardly sticking them on. Maybe a better plan was called for, but I was actually pretty pleased with the first pass. Then I left for California, and did the rest when I got home.

It doesn't look great with the lamp on, and could use some more layering inside. But I'm much happier figuring that out myself vs buying someone else's, and now I feel like I can customize anything in the house. At least it will give me something to look at when I'm doing homework now that the next session has started again.

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