Monday, November 21, 2016

Scrap drafting table

I rescued the top of a file cabinet from the trash heap over at work this summer, and it’s sat in the workshop since then just waiting for the right project. Sometimes driving vs a riding a bike has its perks. It’s pretty beat up, so I didn’t know how it would hold up to any resurfacing efforts but it’s a good sized plank of material and I was sure I could use it somewhere. I thought about chopping it into shelves, or using it to top another media stand, but nothing really seemed like the right idea. But something definitely clicked when I saw a nice drafting table this week and thought that might make a nice addition to the shop.

Without any free time that initial idea had time to ferment a little, and ultimately I thought I had a decent plan for a drafting/drawing table, all with other materials and scrap I already had in the garage. I still had the long 2x3’s from the leaning bathroom shelf for legs, extra 2x4’s to use for feet, and the third shelf from the bathroom to attach underneath for storage. I toyed with the idea of making the tabletop able to go from flat to angled but a fixed 15 degree angle seemed like the simplest solution for something that probably won’t get a lot of use since it’s staying in the shop. As far as planning went it seemed like a solid one.
Only screws in at this point are connecting the legs to their feet.
With the legs together minus some additional support, a dry fit actually went really well. Without anything else glued or screwed, the top balanced by itself on the legs and things seemed pretty sturdy. Adding the shelf in the middle helped steady the legs too so when it actually went together things were very sturdy.
Seems sturdy enough
Ready to stain
It was pretty mismatched, with some bare wood, some stained, but different colors. Staining the bottom all one color might help a little, and a coat of sealer should help a little more in a day or two. As soon as I find more time. Time is precious though, even more so with the holidays coming. Finishing this might have to get added to my growing list of winter break projects.

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